Love & Relationship Expert

A Psychic tarot card reading can provide the most accurate, most specific answers to your questions because the Tarot serves as a focusing tool. Their my best friend :) When we agree to do a reading, you are giving me permission to look into your portion of the Akashic Record. Which is the history or a record of your own that is recorded for this and many other lives.


A Spiritual/Psychic reading can provide you with spiritual insight, clarity and direction. I will offer you an objective perspective on your life as well a vision of the future you are co-creating. As a Psychic I will be a valuable resource to help you accomplish your goals, rediscover peace of mind, create greater happiness, and find a renewed sense of self. 

Sometimes, during the course of a Psychic or Tarot reading, all or part of a past life is revealed. A past life, once revealed may offer you a clear, spiritual perspective on your soul's history. I have given many readings which reveal aspects of past lives. Often these moments have helped my clients reach breakthrough moments in their current live. 

Visions of past lives often reveal a new path to Spiritual freedom in this life-time by re-awakening lost desires or hidden talents. A past life revealed may also help relieve secret fears and troubling dreams. Lingering guilt can be released & obsessions/phobias can be overcome with the understanding that your are living your new life. 

Any Tarot card reading can be done over the phone as well as a Psychic reading.

(Which is done by connecting with your energies and vibration's)

Tarot Card Readings